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长沙镀锌方管市场价格持稳厂家出货维持不温…方管长沙镀锌方管市场价格持稳,今日山东鲁丽管坯上调20元,现20#热轧管坯出厂价格为3800元,江鑫管坯上调30元,现20#热轧管坯出厂价格为3780元,20#连铸管坯出厂价 格为3670元。今日聊城鑫鹏源管厂镀锌方管价格统一上调30元,临沂地区管厂价格暂未调整。市场价格整体持稳,据本地镀锌方管厂家反馈,市场需求没有…


Domestic tube prices first fell and then rose, slightly fell in the first ten days, and increased significantly in the second and second half of the year, with a cumulative increase of 20 yuan/ton over last weekend. Affected by the sharp rebound in imported mines, domestic mines have also increased this month. In addition, some blast furnaces in Tangshan area have recovered slightly in the middle and late stages of maintenance and production reduction. With the appropriate increase in square pipe purchasing, the turnover of domestic mines has improved. In the case of weak supply willingness of local mines, it is expected that the price of square tube will be relatively stable next month. Recently, due to the continuous decline in international management and coal prices, traders have been reading the bottom, and Australian miners have increased their shipments, which has pushed the dry bulk market prices to rebound substantially. However, the basic supply and demand situation of the industry remains unchanged, domestic demand remains weak, and short-term demand will face a downturn in the off-season, coupled with the existing capacity digestion still takes time, it is expected that the current sharp rebound in freight rates will be unsustainable.


In the early part of this month, the prices of construction steel factories generally fell sharply. With the stabilization of steel prices in the middle and late part of this month, the ex-factory prices of some seamless square pipe factories have not been adjusted much, and the ex-factory prices of some seamless square pipe factories have also increased slightly. Among them, Shagang and Yonggang steelmakers, which were priced in 10 days, cut their ex-factory prices by 200-260 yuan/ton in early June. After that, their prices remained stable in Mid-and late-June. Hebei Iron and Steel's settlement price in June was significantly reduced by 160-280 yuan/ton on the basis of the guided prices. After this month's lagging reduction of steel mill prices, the upside-down between the ex-factory prices of leading steel mills in various regions and the market prices of P110 oil casing pipe is not large enough, and the pressure of further reduction of ex-factory prices will be eased in the later period. However, it is worth mentioning that with the continuous tension of the capital chain, Pingte Iron and Steel Co. of Jiangxi Province stopped production this month because of the break of the capital chain, reflecting that the current living conditions of small and medium-sized steel enterprises have been quite difficult. Later, it is not excluded that some steel mills issued extreme price policies to withdraw funds. At present, the domestic production of square tubes remains at a high level, and there is still a demand for rigid raw materials. However, with the loss of steel mills and the increasing efforts of national environmental protection management, it is expected that the domestic production of square tubes will decline in May. In addition to the current prudence of steel mills in purchasing raw materials, it is expected that the market of square tubes, coke and other raw materials will continue to be dominated by consolidation in July. 

济南方管市场持稳观望厂家多是看单议价方管济南方管市场持稳观望。市场方面,今日期螺主力午盘3480-3490震荡,反弹做空,3450支撑位不变。原料钢坯仓储现货3400左右含税出库低价部分成交,带钢145mm系 调坯厂家19-20日左右恢复生产;晨间355mm系列再降5-10元不等,午后低位回涨,现货裸价主流3360-3390,期货3300-3360左 右;河北主导管厂现方管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价在… 无锡镀锌方管价格将暂稳观望运行为主成交尚…方管无锡镀锌方管市场价格上涨。今日上游原材料价格暂稳,管厂出厂价格空涨,暂未上调。近期期货涨价带动无锡镀锌方管市场价格回涨,整体成交尚可。据当地方管厂家反映,随着季节性 变化,开工率较之前有好转,因此出货较好。后市不确定因素较多,加之整体经济形势不佳,方管厂家观望情绪浓厚。库存方面维持进出平衡,按需补货,…
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广州方管价格或盘整趋弱运行市场出货趋弱方管广州市场方管价格趋弱调整。期螺弱势震荡尾盘小幅回拉,原材料方面现昌黎普碳方坯含税出厂3590跌10。今日广州方管市场出货趋 弱,本周当地库存消化速度环比上周明显放缓,市场方管厂家迫于出货压力相继下调价格,然降价后成… 厂家分析介绍镀锌方管热处理的十个要点方管镀锌方管热处理的十个要点:一、镀锌方管及夹具在热处理前均应清除油污、残盐、油漆等外来物;二、在真空炉中首次使用的夹具,应预先在不低于工件所要求的真空度下进行除气净化处理;三、在热处理过程中易变形工件,应在专用…