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国内方管或将继续趋弱整理厂家操作以出货为…方管方管价格持稳运行,今日方管主流企业持稳运行,原料方面:昌黎部分钢坯公布12月31日--1月2日早上钢坯执行结算价3300;下游管厂逐渐停工,因此方管市场高价成交 低迷,下游方管厂家观望意图明显。午后部分带方管厂家逐渐出清日产。唐山方管降10、中宽带主流方管厂家持稳。今日现货市场,方管较昨主流降20,中宽…

方管价格持稳运行,今日145小窄带开盘较昨持稳,主流方管厂家报3890元/吨,昨日成交放量,今日依然强势运行,下游用户多阶段性补货,加之 期货市场浮动较小,145方管挺价意愿明显,下游需求有了小幅度的释放,部分企业停售出清,目前小窄带市场存在一定的利润空间,虽然下游架子管接单情况较 差,但145方管可流向外地市场,近几日永旺检修完成计划复产,小窄带开工率将升高,供给压力增加;唐山355方管主流较昨涨10,中宽带较昨涨 20,355系中宽带现货市场报价较昨日变动不大,今期螺持绿震荡,方管厂家心态显弱,但月初压力有缓解,市场变动幅度有限,现货交投偏清淡,较今晨降 10-20左右。因个别厂家严格执行限产,协议量交货不能满足,部分规格仍偏紧;华东华南地区今日方管价格多持稳运行,由于市场库存资源整体偏低,加上方管厂家订货成本较高,故价格涨跌空间均不大。从方管厂家口中得知,淡季需求表现不佳,方管厂家观望心态浓厚,操作上多以出货为主。目前市场成交整体疲软,但低位库存 销售压力不大,市场整体处于供需两弱局面,或将僵持一段时间。综合来看,预计明日国内方管价格或将窄幅震荡运行。

Square tube prices have been running steadily. Today's 145 small narrowband opening is more stable than yesterday's. Mainstream Square tube manufacturers offer 3890 yuan/ton. Yesterday's trading volume is still strong today. The downstream users replenish goods by stages. In addition, the futures market fluctuates slightly. The willingness of 145 Square tube to bid is obvious. The downstream demand has been released by a small margin. At present, there is a certain profit margin in the small narrowband market. Although the downstream shelf pipe orders are poor, 145 square pipes can flow to the outside market. In recent days, Yongwang overhaul completed the planned resumption of production, the small narrowband start-up rate will rise, and supply pressure will increase. The mainstream of Tangshan 355 square pipes increased 10% compared with yesterday, and the broadband increased 20,35% compared with yesterday. The quotation of broadband spot market in Series 5 has not changed much compared with yesterday. In this period, the snail is green and the mentality of businessmen is weak. However, the pressure has eased at the beginning of the month, the range of market changes is limited, and spot delivery is light, falling by about 10-20 compared with this morning. Due to the strict implementation of production restrictions by individual manufacturers, the delivery of agreed quantities can not be met, and some specifications are still tight; the price of Square Management in East and South China is running steadily today, because of the overall low stock resources in the market and the high ordering cost of Square Management Manufacturers, there is little room for price rise and fall. From the mouth of square tube manufacturers, we know that demand performance in off-season is not good, businessmen have a strong wait-and-see mentality, and delivery is the main operation. At present, the overall market turnover is weak, but the low inventory sales pressure is not large, the market as a whole is in a weak situation of supply and demand, or will be deadlocked for some time. Generally speaking, it is expected that the price of domestic government will oscillate in a narrow range tomorrow. 方管价格方面:唐山热轧方管(2.5*355mm)唐山瑞丰3920较昨稳;天津热轧方管4.0* (480-570)天津荣钢送到大邱庄价3965较昨降10;无锡热轧方管(2.5*355mm)中天3990较昨日持稳,莱芜热轧方管2.5* (232-355)莱钢3890较昨日降10,唐山热轧小窄带报3890较昨稳。

The square pipe price: Tangshan hot-rolled square pipe (2.5 * 355mm) Tangshan Ruifeng 3920 is stable than yesterday; Tianjin hot-rolled square pipe 4.0 * (480-570) Tianjin Ronggang to Daqiu Zhuang 3965 is 10 lower than yesterday; Wuxi hot-rolled square pipe (2.5 * 355mm) Zhongtian 3990 is stable than yesterday, Laiwu hot-rolled square pipe 2.5 * (232-355) Laiwu hot-rolled square pipe 3890 is 10 lower than yesterday, Tangshan hot-rolled small. Narrow band report 3890 is more stable than yesterday.

保证方管曲折和校直最有效的方法方管让现已加工成制品方管具有较小曲折度还得依靠机械东西校直机来完结。所以为了消除方管曲折,一切方管都需求经过冷校直。方管曲折是因为轧机调整不妥,轧制时残留的剩余应力以及因为沿管子截面和长度上冷却不平等缘由形成的。因而,不行能从轧机直接得到很直的管子,只要通过冷校直管子的曲折度才干满意技能条件的规则。To ma… 哈尔滨方管市场价格或平稳运行拿货成本偏高…方管哈尔滨方管市场价格平稳运行,市场成交一般,大户出货在800吨左右。较昨日减少不足二成。今日开市,方管厂家反应出货一般。根据反馈来看, 目前哈尔滨市场库存水平仍然较低,且拿货成本偏高,加之进入年末收尾状态,贸易商拿货意愿不大,市场需求有所减退,库存水平的降低导致成交也不那么尽如人意。且因社会库存开始降低,贸…
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