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天津方管基本持稳的同时弱势运行出货量低位…方管本周天津方管市场涨跌两难。周内,本地天钢产热轧管坯价格和山东中小管厂出厂价平稳运行,受此影响,本地方管价 格调整的幅度并不大,仅仅窄幅波动。从市场了解到,临近年底多数终端方管厂家已无新增采购计划,因此市场上主流方管厂家日出货量低位平稳,保持在二、三吨到七、 八吨的水平,由于终端需求持续低…

本周中南地区方管市场价格震荡调整,天津唐山邯郸主要管厂统计:本周(5.9)厂内原料带钢库存36.75万吨;焊管库存8.85万吨;方管库存21万吨;日均成交量4.86万 吨。另兰格网本周钢坯库存调查:据统计9日唐山主要仓库钢坯库存约30.91万吨,较节前(30日)35.35万吨降4.44万吨,降幅12.56%,降 库放缓,但原料价格支撑依然强劲。市场方面,本周钢坯价格高位震荡,在限产供应减量预期下,市场下跌空间有限。本周管厂焊镀管产量相比节前有小幅下降,不过后期市场供给压力依然较 大。进入五月份商家面对不确定因素操作多以快进快出为主,另端需求逐渐萎缩,社会库存降速放缓,商家让利促成交意愿增强。尽管钢厂挺价意愿强,但市场走势 不佳,中南部分地区倒挂情况逐渐加重。预计本周中南地区方管价格或承压下行。

This week, the price of square pipe market in central and southern China has been shaken and adjusted. Statistics of Tianjin Tangshan Handan main pipe factory show that this week (5.9) the stock of raw material strip steel is 367,500 tons; that of welded pipe is 88,500 tons; that of square pipe is 210,000 tons; and that of daily average turnover is 48,600 tons. According to statistics, the stock of billets in Tangshan's main warehouse was about 309.1 million tons on the 9th, down 44.4 million tons, or 12.56%, from 353.5 million tons on the 30th day before the festival. The stock reduction slowed down, but the price support of raw materials remained strong. On the market side, this week's high billet price shocks, in the expected reduction in production and supply, the market has limited room for decline. This week, the production of welded and plated pipes in the pipe factory decreased slightly compared with that before the festival, but the supply pressure in the later period of the market is still greater. In May, when faced with uncertainties, businesses mostly operate fast-in and fast-out. Demand on the other end is gradually shrinking. The decline of social inventory is slowing down. Businessmen'willingness to make profits is increasing. Despite the strong willingness of steel mills to bid, but the market trend is not good, the situation of upside-down in the central and southern parts of the region is gradually aggravated. It is expected that the price of welded and plated pipes in central and southern China will go down next week. 价格方面:现郑州本地4寸(3.75)方管 均价4900元(过磅价,下同),与上周持平;武汉4寸(3.75mm)方管均价为5040元,较上周涨40元;长沙4寸(3.75mm)方管均价 5010元,与上周持平;广州4寸(3.75mm)方管均价为5653元,较上周涨30元;南宁4寸(3.75mm)方管均价为5014元,与上周持 平;海口4寸(3.75mm)方管均价为5587元,与上周持平。

Price: Zhengzhou local 4-inch (3.75 mm) square tube average price 4900 yuan (pound price, the same below), and last week is the same; Wuhan 4-inch (3.75 mm) square tube average price is 5040 yuan, 40 yuan higher than last week; Changsha 4-inch (3.75 mm) square tube average price 5010 yuan, the same as last week; Guangzhou 4-inch (3.75 mm) square tube average price is 5653 yuan, 30 yuan higher than last week; Nanning 4-inch (3.75 mm) square tube average price is 5014 yuan, the same as last week; The average price of Haikou 4-inch (3.75 mm) square tube is 5,587 yuan, which is the same as last week.

武汉方管价格弱势盘整运行整体出货表现仍一…方管本周武汉方管价格较上周小幅下跌。市场方面:本周本地9.5-11.75mm普卷的资源依旧稀缺,现报价在3990元左右。5.75-11.5mm低合金板4100元左右,市场价格分化明显。另外,本周线上武钢投放的2.1-8mm普卷订单锁价3860元,很快被抢光。成交方面,据了解,本周零售成交较上周稍好,部分终端年底备货。但总的来说,现处于需求萎缩期… 贵阳镀锌方管价格或将以稳为主盘整运行厂家…方管贵阳市场镀锌方管价格小幅上涨。今天唐山方坯延续涨势,累涨20元。同时期螺早盘高位运行。方管厂家开市后普遍小幅拉涨价格,但下游用户观望氛围浓厚,市场整体交投情况一般。午后,部分方管厂家 暗降价格,以出货为主;另外,也有部分方管厂家对后市看好,认为价格仍有上涨空间,所以挺价意愿强烈。库存方面,目前市场镀锌方…
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